Snip the ends off of the sugar snap peas using kitchen shears or a sharp knife. You can also de-string them if you like by snapping off the stem end and pulling the string down the side. Quickly blanch the peas in boiling water, just until the color pops, 20 seconds. Remove from the water and dry on paper towels. Store in a bowl in the refrigerator for up to one day.
Juice 2 of the limes to get 1/4 cup of juice. Peel the remaining limes down to the flesh and remove the flesh from the membrane. Dice the flesh and put it in a small bowl. Add the juice, honey, basil, olive oil, and salt. Whisk the mixture together and set aside.
Combine the snap peas, red onion, and strawberries.
Plate the salad over greens and drizzle with the dressing.