Course MM-Green, Sauces, Dressings, other, Sides, Snacks and Treats
Cuisine American
Servings 32
Calories 3kcal
12ouncesbaby cucumbersup to a pound
1/2teaspooncoriander seeds
6sprigsfresh dill
2Fresno chilieshalved lengthwise
1clovegarlic halved
2cupsroom temperature filtered water
1tablespoonKosher salt
Place the cucumbers, coriander, dill, chilies, and garlic in a quart jar.
Combine the water and salt, stirring until salt dissolves completely.
Pour the water into the jar to cover the cucumbers, leaving about 1/2 inch of space between the liquid and the top of the jar. Add water to cover all solids. Cover the jars loosely with a lid. Let stand in a cool, dry place - away from direct sunlight - for 5 to 7 days. The liquid will turn cloudy, then bubble and fizz after several days as it develops lactic acid. Once fermented, refrigerate pickles for up to 6 months.